Every Day @ Evatt

Every Day @ Evatt is our whole school wellbeing framework designed to ensure that Evatt Primary School is a place where students, staff and the community want to be.

Positive Behaviour for Learning

A fundamental element of the Every Day @ Evatt is the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Framework.  PBL is a framework that schools use to get everyone – students, staff, families and the school community - on the same page to create a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.
More information on the PBL framework can be found on ACT Directorate Website

What does this look like at Evatt?

Our Expectations

At Evatt, we have three expectations that guide student, staff and community behaviour. These are to :
Be Safe (Make choices that ensure yourself and others are safe), Be Kind (make choices that ensure you are being kind to yourself and others) and Be Focused (make choices that contribute towards being a life long learner)
These essentially form our "school rules" that are formed using positive language. For example "move safely" instead of "don't run". This is done for all areas across the school and all people involved in the school community. When walking around Evatt, you will see signage that clearly outlines our expectations in the different areas.

Everyday at Evatt

Our Feather System

When students demonstrate actions that reflect our school expectations, they might earn a "feather". Feathers are coloured to match the expectation they represent, either being safe (yellow), kind (red) or focused (green). Feathers can be awarded by any staff member at the school to any students, and this can happen during class, on the playground or just while transitioning through a shared space.
When a student earns a feather, they keep hold of it and add it to their class collection point. From there, classes move the feathers into our whole school tubes in our front office. The school works towards a shared goal of total feathers to then receive a whole school reward.

Other Positive Acknowledgement Systems

In addition to feathers, Evatt has other ways of acknowledging our amazing students.

Flying High Awards:

Each week, classroom teachers award Flying High awards to students to acknowledge students hard work. This might be for quality work, trying their best or for demonstrating ongoing positive behavioural choices.

Active Play Awards:

Each week, our Active Play teacher awards a student in K-6 the Active Play award for demonstrating positive sportsmanship during our Active Play break time program.